The SimpleRSubDialog class is an easy way to add lesser used or advanced options to your GUI.
can be used in much the same way as SimpleRDialog
. let us continue with the 'Factor Analysis' example. In the listeners page we saw how to add an option button to the dialog, which gave us the following code:
#make dialog dialog <- new(SimpleRDialog) dialog$setSize(500L,400L) dialog$setTitle("Factor Analysis") #add variable selector variableSelector <- new(VariableSelectorWidget) variableSelector$setTitle("data") addComponent(dialog,variableSelector,10,400,850,10) #add a list for the variables variableList<- new(VariableListWidget,variableSelector) variableList$setTitle("variables") addComponent(dialog, variableList,100,900,450, 420) #Add an 'Options' button JButton <- J("javax.swing.JButton") button <- new(JButton,"Options") addComponent(dialog,button,500,800,600,600)
Now lets make a new SimpleRSubDialog and set dialog
as it's owner (or parent). All sub-dialogs should be linked to another dialog, which can be an RDialog, SimpleRDialog, or another SimpleRSubDialog. When a widget is added to a SimpleRSubDialog, its owner will keep track of it, so that the widget states are remembered and handled correctly.
#make Options Dialog subDialog <- new(SimpleRSubDialog,dialog,"Factor Analysis: Options") setSize(subDialog,250,300)
Now we can add some widgets to the dialog:
#options for transforming the variables transBoxes <- new(CheckBoxesWidget,"Transformation",c("Center","Scale")) addComponent(subDialog, transBoxes,1,900,300, 100) transBoxes$setDefaultModel(c("Scale")) #output options outBoxes <- new(CheckBoxesWidget,"Output",c("Summary","Scree Plot")) addComponent(subDialog, outBoxes,350,900,700, 100)
Then we add an action listener to the options button to open the sub-dialog when it is pressed:
#Listen for the button to be pressed ActionListener <- J("org.rosuda.deducer.widgets.event.RActionListener") actionFunction <- function(cmd,ActionEvent){ subDialog$setLocationRelativeTo(button) subDialog$run() } listener <- new(ActionListener) listener$setFunction(toJava(actionFunction)) button$addActionListener(listener)
finally we can add a run function to the original dialog.
.factorAnalysisRunFunction <- function(state){ #print(state) #a print statement is useful for debugging #make formula form <-paste( " ~ " , state$variables[1]) for( var in state$variables[-1]) form <- paste(form,"+",var) #make prcomp call cmd <- paste("pr.model <-prcomp(", form, ",", state$data) if("Center" %in%state$Transformation) cmd <- paste(cmd,", center=TRUE") if("Scale" %in%state$Transformation) cmd <- paste(cmd,",scale=TRUE") cmd <- paste(cmd,")") #always print model cmd <- paste (cmd,"\n","print(pr.model)") #output summary and plot if asked for if("Summary" %in% state$Output) cmd <- paste(cmd,"\n","summary(pr.model)") if("Scree Plot" %in% state$Output) cmd <- paste(cmd,"\n","screeplot(pr.model)") #execute command as if typed into console execute(cmd) } dialog$setRunFunction(toJava(.factorAnalysisRunFunction))
Notice that the state of the 'Transformation' and 'Output' widgets are passed to the 'state' parameter. The final result looks as follows: