C++ Code

Here are some C++ headers for use with the poker-eval library. These headers provide an easier interface, and some higher level hand evaluation functions (like hand potential). They are based on an early version of the University of Alberta's Meerkat API:


How to use: you need to link to the poker-eval library. Source are available at: http://download.gna.org/pokersource/sources/

For convenience I have compiled version 129 for windows (32):


Old UoA Java Client Code

Also of interest is some old University of Alberta Java code for their poker client. This code was released as open source in 2000, and is what I based the C++ classes on. The similarity between this and the Meerkat API for Poker Academy indicates that Meerkat was based on this code.


Note: this code uses hand evaluation from pokersource. To use as stand alone code, replace PortedHandEval.EvalHigh(h.GetCardArray) on lines 87 and 104 of HandEvaluator with rankHand_Java(h). Comment out the import org.pokersource.eval.*
